Monday, January 14, 2008

i'll be back

i'll be back.

i know i havent been keeping to one of my resolution which is blogging more often.

but seriously, ever since the start of 2008, the life juz got so much hectic all of a sudden. and i've been struggling to finish a lot of assignments lately. way too many i would say.

alrite. tis post doesnt mean much. but 3 more wks. 3 more wks and it'll b over. the assignments that is, not the exams. in the meantime, just enjoy the songs posted.

i'll be back. with an even powerful self.
just wait.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008



a closing to 2007. and it's time to step into 2008.

tis year. it'll be a time & place where things are gna change. many things. big changes(hopefully that is). and waz the start of the new year w/o NYRs to kickstart twenty-O-eight?

so here they are:
minor ones
1) revamp my frenster profile.
2) change my blogskin
3) blog more
major ones
1) get into NTT via prone (PLS!)
2) get my driving license
3) 580 (air)
4) 587 (prone)
5) change general theme of blog topics
6) revitalise NPSC
7) define myself

well. let's see. 10 things.
hmm. seems easy and difficult at the same time.
well. time will tell.
that is all. cya around: TWENTY-O-EIGHT!